Jan Wärnbäck / WWF-Sweden
18 maart 2022

A nature-positive Dutch Financial Sector – a policy paper

The Dutch financial sector has a big impact on biodiversity – positive, but also negative. It can be enabled to act in a more nature-positive way. The government can stimulate this through rulemaking, its own budget and public investment institutions. Supervisors and central banks can do so by integrating biodiversity in supervisory.

The policy paper A nature-positive Dutch Financial Sector provides suggestions to the Dutch government on how to enable the Dutch financial sector to contribute fully to reaching global biodiversity goals: mobilizing resources to preserve and restore biodiversity, but also to limit financial institutions from doing harm to biodiversity through their financing.

Experts from the Sustainable Finance Lab (SFL) developed this paper. It is an academic think tank whose members are mostly professors from different universities in the Netherlands. The aim of the SFL is a stable and robust financial sector that contributes to an economy that serves humanity without depleting its environment. WWF-NL has funded the report and experts have added their feedback.

A nature-positive Dutch Financial Sector

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©Freepik / XZokzathai

Nature needs to get higher on the agenda of central banks and financial supervisors

ONDERZOEKSRAPPORT: Natuur moet en kan hoger op de agenda van centrale banken en financiële toezichthouders
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Ola Jennersten / WWF-Sweden

Is it (im)possible to invest in biodiversity?

In this blog Lucian Peppelenbos Climate & Biodiversity Strategist at Robeco and Aaron Vermeulen Practice leader finance, WWF-NL share their thoughts on these questions.
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naturepl.com / Doug Gimesy / WWF

Financing green brochure

This briefing outlines our worldwide ambition on finance. Our work with partners on financing green and the development of green financial solutions.
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