Marizilda Cruppe / WWF-UK
17 april 2023

Report: learnings local leadership of climate solutions

Curious about the learnings and key takeaways for locally led climate solutions? Read the latest report and help to spread the voices of local people and communities in the Global South in an even bigger network.

The Voices for Just Climate Action network presented the challenges they are facing in the development of climate solutions that are led by local communities. A group of diverse actors in the Dutch landscape - involving CSO’s, policymakers, youth, and researchers – joined to have a conversation and discussion about their experiences based on the local input.

At the end of the day the group proposed solutions that connect with the local realities on the ground and enhance the impact of Locally Led Adaptation. The participants are taking forward these messages and discussions through their networks.

The report is a compilation of the presented challenges, the learnings, and the key takeaways.

The report

'Local voices for dialogue - Multistakeholder event Voices for Just Climate Action'

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About amplifying voices for just climate action

The Climate Crisis that we are facing has no frontiers. We believe it is only possible to foster a just transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient futures with a new level of civil society leadership. This is what Voices for Just Climate Action stand for.

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